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办公室 2019-12-31 18:14

题   目:On the convergence of Jacobi-type algorithms for ICA 

报告人:李建泽 博士  (深圳市大数据研究院

时  间:141100-1140



摘要:Jacobi-type algorithms for simultaneous approximate diagonalization of symmetric real tensors (or partially symmetric complex tensors) have been widely used in independent component analysis (ICA) because of the high performance. One natural way of choosing the index pairs in Jacobi-type algorithms is the classical cyclic fashion, while the other way is based on the Riemannian gradient in each iteration. In this presentation, I will mainly review our recent results in a series of papers about the weak convergence and global convergence of these Jacobi-type algorithms, under both of two pair selection rules. These results are mainly based on the Lojasiewicz gradient inequality. This is a joint work with Konstantin Usevich and Pierre Comon.

